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Thanks babe! I'll shoot you a message later.

Pretty in Pink_edited.jpg

2024 ISSUE

Answers to some of the questions you will have after reading Issue 2:

Yes, that character, and most likely the author, probably did make sweet love to a beehive.

No, I don’t know who gave that shrimp a job.

And yes, all ventriloquists live with their mom, but not all moms live with a ventriloquist. (Except your mom. She hasn’t told you yet, but her new boyfriend is a ventriloquist.)


Our budget? Slashed. The editorial collective? Blown to smithereens. The editorial director? AWOL, somewhere in central Alberta. Canadian Fiction Superstar Susan Juby? On leave, trying to swindle Harper Collins into another book deal so she can afford an air fryer. This issue is as bad as it gets. It is, hopefully, our rock bottom. Please read it, lest things get worse.

Specific images by Evan Shumka

© GOOEY magazine

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